Scam Proof Your Life in the End Times: Justice & Restoration for Christians

Scams come in all sizes. Some are schoolyard scams by teenage bullies. Others are hedge-fund sized scams like Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. In our new digital age, there are scams involving e-commerce, ransomware online job interviews, bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency robberies. The list goes on and on.
In this book, you will learn the steps to take both spiritually and naturally to find peace and justice once you’ve been scammed. You will also be equipped with practical ways to avoid the most common scams so you do not have to become a victim. If there is one thing most needed in the Body of Christ, it is wisdom. This book will make the law-abiding citizen wise.

Steve Cioccolanti, BA, M.Ed., is a Christian social media influencer with over 350,000 followers on 2 YouTube channels, the pioneer pastor of Discover Church (, and a prolific author of hundreds of videos and multiple books--including his critically-acclaimed "From Buddha to Jesus" (translated to 7 languages to date) and his magnum opus "The Divine Code: A Prophetic Encyclopedia of Numbers, Vol 1 & 2" (10th Anniversary Edition).
Known for his unique gift of researching complex concepts and presenting them in simple and multi-sensory ways, he emphasizes Biblical balance and 'heart' transformation over 'head knowledge'. His appealing approach to End Time prophecy is both practical and spiritual: we should pray and preach the Gospel AND we should engage in the politics of Justice and honor God's chosen vessel, which in America was Donald Trump (2016-2020). His mission is to help usher in the next Great Awakening alongside others who feel the same sense of urgency. For this reason the
A sought-after speaker on history, prophecy and justice, he appears as a guest minister at big and small churches, and on international TV including Daystar. He has traveled to more than 45 countries for Jesus.